

Abacus ('ab-a-kus) - A slab forming the top of the capital of a column.

Abyss (a-'bis) - A bottomless gulf; any deep immeasurable space; a vast intellectual or moral depth.

Acacia (a-'ka-sha) - A thorny shrub; thorny Egyptian tree.

Acanthus (a-'kan-thus) - A plant with large spiny or toothed leaves or an architectural ornament as in the Corinthian capital

Affinity (a-'fin-it-e) - Attraction to a person or thing - a natural liking for.

Alimentary (,al-i-'ment-a-re) - Pertaining to nutrition or food.

Allegory ('al-e-,gor-e) - Description of one thing under image of another; symbolical narrative.

Amiable (,a-me-a-bel) - Friendly, agreeable, kindhearted.

Anchor ('ang-ker) - Device for holding boats in one place; holding fast to fix or fasten.

Anxiety (ang-'rl-et-e) - Uneasiness about a future or uncertain event, worry or misgiving.

Apron ('a-pron) - Article of dress covering forepart of body - the badge of a Mason.

Architect ('ar-ki-,tekt) - A master builder or a designer of buildings.

Archives (,ar-,!dvz) - A place for keeping records safely; the records themselves.

Ark ('ark) - A chest or coffer; oblong chest kept in the holy of holies.

Artificer (ar-'tif-e-ser) - A skilled or artistic worker, a craftsman.

Ascending (a-'send-ing) - Moving upward, rising higher.

Ascent (a-'sent) - Act of rising, a way or means of going higher, or a hill or high place.

Ashlar ('ash-Ier) - Hewn or squared stone.

Assembled (a-'sem-beld) - Gathered together, convened.

Assiduously (a-'sij-u-wes-Ie) - Constantly or done with constant attention, unremitting devotion.

Astronomy (a-'stran-a-me) - Science treating of heavenly bodies.

Auspicious (a-'spish-us) - Favorable omens or prosperous, fortunate occasions, happy outcome.

Beneficent (be-'nef-e-sent) - Active goodness, kindness, charity

Brethren ('breth-ren, -em) -A term of solemn address used in speaking of one's brother Masons.

Buoyed (boid) - as a noun a buoy (boi) is a floating device used to mark obstructions or a navigational course for boats; life buoy – a rescue flotation device required on a boat; commonly used as a verb or adverb – “buoyed up” (boid up) to float upward, to elevate as lifting one’s spirits, optimism.

Cabletow ('ka-bel-tO) - A strong rope to hold in check; symbolically, the limit of a brother's ability.

Capital ('kap-it-el) - Uppermost part of a column.

Caviling ('kav-il-ing) - Making frivolous or captious criticism; finding fault with.

Celestial (se-'les-chel) - Pertaining to spiritual heaven; heavenly or divine.

Cement (si-'ment) - Bond of union; that which unites firmly.

Chapiter (,chap-et-er) - A capital.

Charter (,chart-er) - A document granting rights or powers by a Grand Lodge to subordinate lodge.

Circumscribe (,ser-kum-,sknb) - Limit by drawing a line around; restrict or confine.

Circumspection (,ser-kum-'spek-shun)Prudence or watchfulness.

Clandestine (klan-'des-tin) - Not regular; fraudulent.

Cleft ('ldeft) - A crack; narrow opening between rocks; split apart

Column (kal-um) - A supporting pillar usually round and consisting of base, shaft and capital

Compass ('kum-pas) - Masonically an instrument for fixing boundaries or limits of one's powers.

Compassion (kum-'pash-un) - Suffering with and for another; fellow feeling; sympathy.

Conciliate (kun-'sil..e-,at) - To gain goodwill or to reconcile or win over.

Concord (,kiin-,kord) - In agreement; harmony.

Conf1agration (,kan-fla-'grii-shun) - A great burning; a fire; destruction by fire.

Conf1ict ('kan-,flikt) - A competition or contention or striving.

Conspiracy (kon-'spir-a-se) - A plot; an attempt to do evil

Contemplate ('kant-em-,plat) - To view or consider with continued attention; to look forward to.

Countenance ('kaunt-nen[t]s) - To favor.

Cowans (kau-ans) - Eavesdroppers, pretenders, or profanes seeking unlawfully to obtain Masonic secrets.

Demean (di-'mcn) - To debase one's self or to degrade

Demeanor (di-'me-ner) - Behavior; carriage.

Demonstrative (di-'man[t]-stret-iv) - Making evident; expressing or apt to express much; display of feeling.

Descend (di-'send) - To come down.

Destitute ('des-ti-,t[y]Ut) - Bereft of or lacking something: forsaken.

Discipline ('dis-i-plin) - Education or training; an imposed system of learning.

Dissemble (dis-'em-bel) - To hide under false semblance; to disguise.

Dissolution (,dis-o-'lii-shun) - Act or process of breaking up; disorganization.

Diurnal (dl-'urn-el) - Relating to daytime; recurring daily.

Divest (di-'vest) - To remove from one's self; to deprive or dispossess.

Eclyptic (i-'klip-tik) - The great circle ofthe celestial sphere which is apparently the path of the sun or of the earth as seen from the sun.

Effiuvia (e-'flu-ve-a) - Noxious subtle or invisible emanation from decaying or putrid body.

Elucidate (i-'lu-si-,dat) - To make clear or manifest; to illustrate.

Emblem ('em-blem) - A visible sign of an idea; a symbol or a badge; an image.

Emblematical (,em-ble-'mat-i-kel) - Symbolical of; representing:

Emulate ('em-ye-,13t) - To strive to equal or excel.

Ephesus (' ef-e-sus) - An ancient and illustrious city of Asia Minor now in ruins. One of seven world wonders.

Equivocation (i-,kwiv-o-'Im-shun) - A misleading " statement; prevarication; a form of double talk.

Err ('er) - To deviate from truth or true course or from right or moral way.

Escape (is-'Imp) - To get away as by flight; to break from.

Eternity (i-'ter-nit..e) - Infinite duration; seeming endlessness.

Ethiopia (,e-the..' - A part of Africa from which tradition says jewels and gold came for Solomon's Temple.

Euclid (yu-'klid) - Greek scholar in mathematics from Alexandria -lived circa 300 B.c. Known as a great geometer.

Eureka (yu-'re..ka) - An exclamation of joy meaning, "I have found it."

Exquisite ('ek-,skwiz-et) - Choice or select; carefully wrought; highly perfected.

Exuberant (ig-'zu-bre]rent) - To be abundant; plentiful; hence exuberance -- state of being plentiful.

Fathomless (,fath-um-Ies) - Incapable of being reached or measured.

Fidelity (fi-'del-it..e) - Faithfulness; careful observance of duty.

Fortitude (,fort-i-,t[y]iid) - Strength; endurance; firmness in enduring.

Frieze ('frez) - An ornamental band - part of an entablature.

Fruition (frii-'ish-un) - Use or possession pleasurably.

Hecatomb (,hek-a-,tom) - Sacrifice of one hundred cattle at one time.

Hele ('hel) - To hide or cover or conceal.

Hieroglyphics (,hi'-[e-]ro-'glif-iks) - Symbols of priestly writings of Egyptians. Usually known only by initiates.

Illuminate (il-'ii-me-,nat) - To light up; enlighten; to make clear or to adorn.

Imitate ('im-i-,tat) - To be or to appear like; to copy.

Immortality (,im-,or-'tal-it..e) - Unending life or existence.

Imprecation (,im-pri-'k3-shun) - A curse; calling down evil upon.

Inclemency ([']in-'klem-en-se) - State of being severe, stormy, or rough.

Incorruptible (,in-ko-'rup-ti-bel) - Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted.

Inculcate (in-'kul-,k3t) - To infuse; to teach and impress through repetition.

Indigent (,in-di-jent) - Needy; poor; lacking; destitute.

Indissoluble (,in-dis-'al-ye-bel) - Not capable of being destroyed or undone or broken.

Inestimable ([']in-' es-te-me-bel) - Too valuable or excellent to be measured.

Inflexible ([']in-'flek-si-bel) - Unyielding; firm in purpose; determined.

Initiate (in-'ish..e-,at) - To introduce by a first act; to begin.

Integrity (in-'teg-rit-e) - State or quality of being complete; unimpaired; soundness.

Intelligible (in-'tel-i-ji-bel) - Capable of being understood; comprehensible.

Interment (in-'ter-ment) - Ceremony of buriaL

Intricate (,in-tri-kit) - Complicated; entangled.

Inundation ('in-[,]un-,da-shun) - Terrible flood; overflow of water.

Inviolable ([,]in-'vI-o-la-bel) - Not susceptible to hurt or harm; secure against corruption; sacred; holy.

Irrevocable ([,]ir-'[ r ]ev-o-ka-bel) - Incapable of being revoked; unalterable.

Jephtha ('jef-tha) - Leader of Israelites against Ephraimites.

Jewels (,ju-els) - Ornaments of office such as gold, silver or other precious material; insignia of office.

Justice ('jus-tis) - Principle or practice of just dealing; fairness; rendering to everyone his due; merited reward or punishment.

Lamentable (,lam-en-ta-bel) - That to be lamented; mournful.

Landmark ('lan[ d]-,mark) - A distinguishing feature or part continuing from ancient times in Masonry.

Legible ('lej-i-bel) - Capable of being read easily; easily discerned or understood.

Light ('lIt) - Mental or spiritual understanding or knowledge.

Lotus ('lot -us) - Flowering water plants of Ancient Egypt.

Melancholy ('mel-an-,kal-e) - Depression of spirit; sadness

Meridian (me-'rid..e-an) - Position of sun at midday; highest point; success.

Metopes (,met-o-[,]pes) - The space between two triglyphs of Doric frieze often adorned with carving.

Modiilion (mo-'dU-yen) - Ornamental blocks or brackets of stone at top of cornice or Corinthian column.

Morality (mo-'ral-it-e) - Moral quality or virtue; rectitude of life.

Mortality (mor-'tal-it-e) - Death; condition or nature of being mortal subject to death.

Mosaic (mo-'ii-ik) - Floor surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces in patterns.

Naphtali (naf-ta-,ll) - Son of Jacob or ancestor of the tribe of Jacob.

Nauseous (,na-shus) - Sickened or disgusting.

Obdurate ('ab-d[y]ur-et) - Hardened of feeling; unyielding or stubborn.

Offensive (o-'fen[ t ]-siv) - Disagreeable, obnoxious or revolting.

Operative ('ap-[ e-]rat-iv) - Engaged in doing work involving physical action.

Palliate ('pal-e-,at) - To cloak or cover or hide; to cover with excuses or reduce in violence.

Paradise ('par-a-,dIs) - Abode of sanctified souls after death; a place of bliss; a state of happiness.

Parian (,par-e-en) - Pertaining to Paros, one of the Cyclades noted for its marble. (Group of islands in Aegean Sea.)

Pedal ('perl-{a Ii) - Pertaining 00 the foot or fed.

Penalty ('pen-[a]l-te) - A punishment; forfeit to which a person binds himself in default of fulfilling vows.

Pervades (per-'vads) - Traversing; passing or spreading through the whole of something.

Pharaoh ('fa-[, ]ro) - A royal title in Ancient Egypt used for kings.

Piety (,pr-et-e) - Godliness; reverence toward God; devoutness.

Pilaster ('pi-,las-ter) - An upright architectural member which is structurally a pier treated as a column.

Planetary ('plan-e-,ter-e) - Having nature of a planet or the earth.

Plumb ('plum) - A weight attached to a line used to erect a perpendicular downright or absolute.

Pollution (po-'lu-shun) - A condition of being unclean or impure or foul

Pomegranates ('pam-[e-],gran-ats) - A fruit of many crimson seeds and pulp from a tropical Asiatic tree.

Potentate ('pot-en-,tat) - One possessing great power; a monarch.

Precarious (pri-'lciir-e-us) - Depending on the will of another or on circumstances.

Precept ('pre-,sept) - A commandment; rule of action or conduct

Prefennent (pri-'fur-ment) - Advancement; promotion, office of honor.

Preparatory (pri-'par-e-,tor-e) - Undergoing instruction before hand; introductory to.

Providence ('prav-i-,den[t]s) - An event divinely ordained; a manifestation of God's care.

Prudence ('prud-[e]n[t]s) - Carefulness; discretion.

Purpose ('pur-pos) - End or aim desired; intention.

Pythagoras (pi-'thag-o-,rus) - A Greek philosopher.

Recapitulation ('re-ke-,pich-e-'la-shun) - A restatement briefly made; a brief summarization.

Records ('rek.-,ords) - Written proceedings; minutes; known facts put in writing.

Rectitude (,rek.-ti-,t[y]ud) - Uprightness; rightness of principle or practice.

Refreshment (ri-'fresh-ment) - State of being refreshed; rest from labor.

Repository (ri-'paz-i-,tor-e) - Place where things are stored or kept; a person to whom one confides something.

Reprehend (,rep-ri-'hend) - To blame; to reprimand; to censure.

Resurrection (,rez-u-'rek-shun) - Rising again from the dead; state of being raised from the dead; revival,

Ruffian ('ruf-e-an) - A boisterous, cruel or brutal fellow.

Sable (,sa-bel) ~ A color (black); a mourning robe or garment.

Saints John ('sants jan) - Refers to Saint John, the Baptist, and Saint John, the evangelist; festival days celebrated by Masons, June 24 and December 27.

Sanctum Sanctorum (,sang[k]~tem ,sang[k]-'torurn) ~ Holy of holies; a place strictly private.

Scythe ('s1th) - A device for reaping; a symbol of death.

Sepulchre (sep-ul-ker) - A grave; a tomb; a burial vault.

Seraph (ser-af) - One of an order of celestial beings, a purifying minister of Jehovah.

Speculative ('spek-ye-lat-iv) - In Masonry refers to one who is concerned with mental rather than physical action; or of pertaining to vision, insight, or contemplation

Spherical ('sfer-i-kcl) - Pertaining to heavnly bodies; having form of globe.

Sublime (su-'bJIm) - Exalted; grand; lifted up.

Succoth (,suk-oth)-Ancient city near the foundries of Solomon.

Superficies (,su-per-'fish-[,]ez) - The earth above or the surface of its area; superficial.

Superfluity (,su-per-'flu-it-e) - An abundance; more than is needed or wanted.

Symbolism ('sim-bo-,liz-em) -A representation of Objects, qualities, or ideas by means of symbols or emblems.

Tabernacle ('tab~er-,nak-el) - A Jewish temple; a place of worship.

Temperance ('tem-p[e]-ren[t]s) - Moderation or self-control in action.

Tenet ('ten-et) - An opinion, principle, belief or doctrine held as true.

Terrestrial (te-'res-t[r]e-al) - Earthly, as opposite to celestial.

Tesselated ('tes-e-,lat-ed) - A floor covering or other surface laid in squares or checkers; mosaic.

Tetragrammaton (,te-tre-'gram-e-,Hin) - A Hebrew word representing the "ineffable name" of God - Jehovah.

Theorem ('the-o-rem) - That which is considered and established as principle or law; statement capable of being proved.

Trestle Board (,tres-el bOr[ e ]d) - A drawing board on which plans and programs or works to be done are laid out.

Triglyph ('tri'-,glif) - Architectural term meaning a rectangular tablet of a Doric frieze having two vertical channels cut in its face and a half channel at each edge; an ornament in a Doric frieze.

Unbiased (,un-'bi-est) - Not prejudiced; not partial; fair.

Unfeigned (,un-'rnnd) - Sincere; genuine.

Unsullied (,un-'sul-oo) - Not stained; not soiled; not defiled.

Veil (,val) - A covering to hide or conceal; "veiled in allegory."

Vertex ('ver-teks) - Highest point; summit.

Vicissitude (vi-'sis-e-,t[y] - A change or something different occuring in the course of a thing and implying hardship or difficulty as a result.

Virtuous ('verch-[ e-]wes) - Manly strength; excellence, merit or worth; moral excellence.

Volutes (vo-'liHs) - A spiral scroll-shaped ormanent, the chieffeature of the Ionic capital.

Votary (,vot -a-re) - One devoted or consecrated by a vow or promise to ao organization.

Vouchsafe (vaOch-'saf) - To guarantee or to assure as safe.

Wayfaring (,wa-,far-iog) - Traveling, especially on foot.

Zeredatha (,zer-a-'dath-a) - Ancient city where metal work for Solomon's Temple was cast.

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